2 hydrogen 1 oxygen
2 hydrogen 1 oxygen

2 hydrogen 1 oxygen

These repulsive forces act to push the hydrogens closer togetherĭid you say "Tetrahedral" - What does that mean? These lone pairs are very negative - containing two negative electrons each - and want to stay away from each other as much as possible. In our picture they are represented by the double dots. These are the electrons that are not involved in the covalent bonds. First the tetrahedral arrangment around the oxygen and Second the presence of lone pair electrons on the oxygen. The water molecule maintains a bent shape (bent at 107.5 degrees actually) because of two considerations. The 'sticks' holding the hydrogens to the oxygen represent covalent bonds. In this second picture, the hydrogens are shown as white spheres, the oygen as a red sphere. Baum, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1993 IMAGE SOURCE: "Chemistry and Life", 4th Edition, John W. Let's look at a picture of a molecule of water: In this picture the two hydrogens are represented by white spheres and the oxygen by a red sphere.

2 hydrogen 1 oxygen

The bonds which hold the hydrogen and oxygen together are called covalent bonds - they are very strong. The formula H 20 tells us that one molecule of water is comprised of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen bonded together. Its chemical formula, H 20, is probably the most well known of all chemical formulas. Indeed! Water is one of our most plentiful chemicals. H 2O - The Mystery, Art, and Science of Water H2O - The Mystery, Art, and Science of Water: The Chemistry of Water: Structure

2 hydrogen 1 oxygen